
Friday, June 14, 2013

Dare to Be Honest

She loves God, she wants to serve Him, and she believes in Him.  She prays hard, God answers, and yet life is rough.  She knows God is real.  She knows He loves her.  But it's not easy to to believe it.  She struggles as her faith takes a dip, and she becomes weak.  The enemy takes his chance to attack while her walls are down.  She knows she is empty and vulnerable, and waits for God to fill her up.  They ask her how she is, and she says "good," because that is what she is expected to say.

Why, when I am going through a time like this, can't I just be honest?  Why do I feel like I have to appear "peachy-keen" like everyone else?

It's like a vicious cycle in the Church today, because most people don't dare to put themselves out there and be vulnerable because they think others will think badly of them.  So when they don't share, they look as if they had everything together, and then the next person does the same thing, and so on.  I do it too.  But really, it's all a lie.  If I struggle with the fear of what others think of me (which I do), it should be cast out, because it certainly is fear of man.  But for me personally, when others share what they are struggling with, it makes me admire them for their honesty, and if nothing else, comforts me that others are struggling too.

Really, we're all in this together.  I want to do my part to make the church environment a safe place.  I'm not saying that every time someone asks us how we are, we have to give them our life stories, I'm just saying, lets dare to be honest.  Let's dare to make those around us feel safe.

When unbelievers come into our churches, do we want them to see a group of "perfect" looking people who have everything in life together?  Or do we want them to see a body of believers, banned together for one purpose, obviously human, but obviously saved?  If the latter will give them a glimpse of Jesus, it will be worth it to dare to be honest.

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35

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