
Monday, September 22, 2014

Trust. (Part 2)

And God answered. He said "yes" in an incredibly powerful and mind-blowing way. He doesn't always say "yes," but He did this time.

I trusted, He did the rest. Yes, I doubted Him, I wondered if anything was happening, and I was tempted to believe that He wouldn't come through for me. But I had to choose trust. I had to choose to believe in His goodness and the quality of His timing.

It's at times like these where my faith is strengthened and I am reminded that God really does care and His ways are best. Because, had everything gone smoothly, I wouldn't have had the lesson in trust that I did this way. It's also at times like these where the prayers in my journal are something like this...

Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you. You have shown me again and again that You do take care of me and You do keep Your promises that You made in Your Word.... Jesus, I give You all honor, glory, and power....

All glory to the Father. His Name is worthy of all honor and glory and praise.

Trust in Him today. It probably won't be easy and it most likely won't be fun, but trust me, it will be worth it.

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